The J♦️ is born 1/16, 2/14, 3/12, 4/10, 5/8, 6/6, 7/4, and 8/2. The J♦️ youthfully, creatively, heroically, and recklessly: discovers, invents, and develops material wealth and more subtle values. One combines and integrates related cards as follows to fulfill one’s life.
The K♥️ Dreaming Mirror needs to accept responsibility for plans that lead nowhere due to insufficient consideration of contingencies; thus will one’s immense capacity for emotional intensity be channeled toward joy and healing rather than white-knuckling difficult circumstances.
The 6♠️ Waking Mirror plods onward in daily life with full commitment toward the magical goals one has set upon; there are discoveries to be made that require getting on with current duties.
The 6♣️ Sleeping Mirror learns to choose a path that one is willing to maintain with fidelity and poise; new information is subsequently used to improve current efforts rather than to take a wholly new direction in escape from immediate difficulties.
Aquarius J♦️/6♠️ is determined to see objectives to their completion; many revelations will occur in the process, and prosperity will be shown to be quite different than initially believed.