The A♦️ is born 1/26, 2/24, 3/22, 4/20, 5/18, 6/16, 7/14, 8/12, 9/10, 10/8, 11/6, and 12/4. The A♦️discovers, invents, initiates, and introduces material possessions and more subtle values. One combines and integrates related cards as follows to fulfill one’s life.
The K♦️ Dreaming Mirror needs to discover and introduce loving feelings as the highest most purposeful value.
The 8❤️ Waking Mirror reserves, concentrates, and directs feelings to secure values that one has discovered and strongly desires.
The K♦️Sleeping Mirror learns to relate to partners in valuable co-creativity and cooperative sharing of pleasures as the purpose of mastering the material world.
Pisces A♦️/5♦️ comes into this life thinking the purpose is all about material values, but one evolves quickly toward an adventurous spirit of romantic giving and appreciating the richness of love.