The 8♦️ is born 1/19, 2/17, 3/15, 4/13, 5/11, 6/9, 7/7, 8/5, 9/3, and 10/1. The 8♦️reserves, concentrates, and directs manifestation of material desires and more subtle values. One combines and integrates related cards as follows to fulfill one’s life.
The A♠️ Dreaming Mirror needs to practice neutrality in thought and communication no matter how intense ambition becomes; it is essential to maintain poise at all times.
As Waking Jupiter Crown, one relies on luck and personal philosophy to generate all the goodness that the universe provides in one’s efforts.
The Q♦️Sleeping Mirror learns to subdue personal desires for recognition while striving mightily for the right to claim that very recognition through dedicated efforts and longing for higher values.
Pisces 8♦️/3♦️ maintains independence though alliances are forged when developing talents and resources.