
The A♦️ is born 1/26, 2/24, 3/22, 4/20, 5/18, 6/16, 7/14, 8/12, 9/10, 10/8, 11/6, and 12/4. The A♦️ discovers and claims values and pleasures. One combines and integrates related cards as follows to fulfill one’s life.

The K♦️ Dreaming Mirror needs to discover and claim feelings and attention to master values and satisfaction.

The 8❤️ Waking Mirror reserves, concentrates, and directs feelings to accomplish goals and secure desires.

The K♦️ Sleeping Mirror learns to co-create and share values and pleasures as part of mastery of values.

Gemini A♦️/Q♦️ realizes a life of philosophical freedom through satisfaction of personal desires balanced with universal values.