
Today on the Four of Hearts in Capricorn, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Saturn card in the Waking Spread which is the Six of Spades. This reading is primarily about the 4❤️ which is the Birth Card of the following dates: 10/31, 11/29, 12/27.

The 4❤️ builds a foundation of feeling that provides a big tent of inclusivity such that all are welcome including oneself. When Unconscious, one attempts to provide exclusive security for oneself and one’s family without regard for a wider world. When Awakened, one approaches one’s daily tasks with tremendous ambition to do all required work that provides sanctuary for all with the awareness that this work will be unceasing for all time.

In early years, the 4❤️ seeks firm values including financial security and may be guided by a highly disciplined woman. One is attracted to partners that will help build a life together; partners with strong financial standing are preferred. Much strength and charisma is discovered while making forward progress in one’s values. In midlife, one becomes a tremendous source of comfort to others; and one is capable of intuitive listening for personal and business success. Unexpected illness or other problems in relationships or with family require many adjustments that lead to deep maturity during the ages 28-34 and 52-64 and always for those born December 27th. As one ages, one becomes aware of the deep desire for love and pleasure that has always existed; one chooses how to express these desires; one may be shocked by the nature of personal desires, and one must choose with integrity. In old age, one is surrounded by those that are interested in one’s knowledge, and one has success in sharing ideas.

The 9♣️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that the 4❤️ needs to change one’s own thinking before trying to persuade others to make changes to their own methods and preferences. The 4❤️ has many experiences coming that will impact one to make these changes that don’t seem possible or desirable in the present, but circumstances will alter one’s viewpoint. Later, the 4❤️ will recognize the benefit of changes that decrease conflict with others.

The A♠️ Waking Mirror indicates that the 4❤️ has deep desires that one does not fully recognize. One has desires to love freely and fully but one remains unaware of the nature of this emotion. One tends to defend one’s positions but one is unaware of the instinct that propels oneself into conflict. As secrets are revealed, there will be surprises and upsets.

The J❤️ Sleeping Mirror indicates that the 4❤️ brings love forward with courageous acts. When providing for one’s family and oneself, there will be much joy and pleasure. One helps defend misconceived viewpoints of family and neighbors even when they are indefensible. One works against one’s own deeply held desires because one identifies with passion and loyalty and one is often the last to understand one’s own most strongly held personal convictions. One has a need to experience victimization as a way of uncovering the truth of one’s most real and basic needs. Only by absolute deprivation does one completely embrace desire.

One builds a foundation of feeling that withstands any outside pressure as it is based on personal truth and absolute commitment built on direct experience.