
Today on the Ten of Spades in Capricorn, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Saturn card in the Waking Spread which is the Seven of Diamonds. This reading is primarily about the 10♠️ which is the Birth Card of the following dates: 1/4 and 2/2.

The 10♠️ succeeds in all matters of work, health, and spirituality. When Unconscious, one neglects to communicate effectively with loved ones and unsettling events occur with loved ones that do not sustain emotional harmony. When Awakened, one communicates constructively with loved ones and together establish goals that lead to working hard to build a life of pleasure and joy while honoring one’s own needs.

One has a tendency to want to start over from scratch new projects and grand plans due to a restlessness and a belief in greatness that pervades one’s life. One pursues value and one senses inherent value in oneself which is reinforced by others’ admiration. One is always prepared to start new powerful projects, but one needs to accept limitations when they are present so that one’s immense energy reserves are used most effectively. By mid-age, one has learned that one’s associates and oneself have emotional boundaries that must be respected to facilitate relationship; sometimes others do not have the same drive to work so long and hard, so one chooses to focus on shared goals within shared capacities. As one matures, one learns that income and expenses do not always balance out even though one earns a great deal of money; one learns it is best to spend less than one earns so money accumulates especially during ages 28-34 and 52-64 and always for those born January 4th. As one ages, one needs to travel and adventure; daily life can be irritating and travel provides the change of pace needed for peace. In old age, one pours one’s energy into love, romance, and sacrifice for loved ones and one’s ideals.

The Double Neptune position of the Dreaming Spread indicates the inherent idealism and dreaminess of the 10♠️. One that has so much energy to work has one’s dreams powerfully energized. Clear communication with loved ones helps to ground one so that efforts are most effective.

The 6♦️Waking Mirror indicates that the 10♠️ is motivated to accomplish tasks that fulfill one’s values. One wants a radical change from existing circumstances. One is motivated by desire for harmonious family life, but there is a tendency to feel that loved ones want to limit one’s goals and accomplishments. Argument should be avoided while intimacy is amplified.

The 2♣️ Sleeping Mirror indicates that the 10♠️ needs intimate communication with loved ones. Communication facilitates emotional harmony and mutual happiness by amplifying boundaries, limits, and balance. When there is clear understanding with loved ones, the 10♠️ works toward common goals without reservation.

One does the most by working together with loved ones. Cooperation comes from good communication. Communication usually leads to a shared recognition that one is overextended in one or more areas that are placing a strain on all other areas. Mental consensus coupled with intense effort leads to great accomplishment and great happiness.