
Today on the Nine of Spades in Capricorn, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Saturn card in the Waking Spread which is the Four of Clubs. This reading is primarily about the 9♠️ which is the Birth Card of the following dates: 1/5, 2/3, and 3/1.

The 9♠️ completes life events of work, health, and spirituality. When Unconscious, one attempts to maintain continuity of situations that are ending by using one’s ability to comfort and support all involved so that none attempts to terminate involvement. When Awakened, one realizes the laws of karma cause things to conclude and cause new things to begin; one seizes extraordinary moments of powerful change as opportunities to begin new efforts in new directions, often finding one’s destiny.

In early life one recognizes how much one loves things that already exist in one’s life; one only needs to decide which things one prefers when given a choice. One is attracted to strong emotionally mature others that seize their own destinies and doggedly work to manifest goals. One is a natural leader that can rise up quickly between the ages of 26-38 to the degree that one takes full responsibility for one’s destiny by attending to all details; one is certain to also face powerful opposition and conflict. By mid-age, one has learned to facilitate peace between self and others by maintaining a spiritual outlook and attempting to speak to people where they are rather than where one wishes them to be in mind and temperament. As one matures, especially during the years 28-34 and 52-64, and throughout life for those born January 5th, when there are obstacles and delays, it is most valuable that the first response be mental peace and retreat rather than instinctive blind action; one tends to see defeat as a personal rejection rather than an opportunity to address a challenge that may lead to something unexpected and satisfying. As one ages, there are opportunities for work partnership that should be thoroughly vetted; one should act with integrity and ensure the integrity of partners. In old age, one has the opportunity to reevaluate one’s decisions from the past; one may adopt a greater alignment with spiritual principles and subsequently make great progress toward one’s ideal experiences.

The 3♠️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that the 9♠️ knows how to act in the moment, but one may tell oneself that there is no need to adjust one’s behavior and plans as the Universe will make corrections and things will work out without giving up any past gains. In the past, the Universe has been variable in its bounty toward one’s efforts, and one has learned to keep making steady efforts in faith. Now, however the greatest gifts from the Universe have already been received and the life-cycle of a particular activity is winding down its energy.

The J♣️ Waking Mirror indicates that the 9♠️ is creative enough to modify an inappropriate behavior to make it productive. One needs to ensure that one is not tweaking the details of an activity for slight benefit instead of employing a necessary massive overhaul that could lead to great reward.

The 10♦️ Sleeping Mirror indicates that the 9♠️ knows on a deep level that prosperity is the natural order for oneself. The greatest comfort one can provide oneself is lasting prosperity. One creatively discovers any required adjustments or changes that need to be made, and one easily makes adjustments as needed. One knows that one is in the flow of manifestation to make a radical change when it is done in accordance with the changing environment.

Nurturing and creativity fuel prosperous actions that destroy one’s past while building one’s destiny.