
Today on the Six of Spades in Pisces, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Neptune card in the Waking Spread which is the Queen of Clubs. This reading is primarily about the 6♠️ which is the Birth Card of the following dates: 1/8, 2/6, 3/4, and 4/2.

The 6♠️ acts intentionally to manifest desires. When Unconscious, one relies (more than is healthy) upon others to help one fulfill desires; and one avoids making changes in one’s own methods. When Awakened, one makes efforts in cooperation with others to co-create experience with the awareness that shared objectives combine energy while conflict disperses the efforts of all in wasted effort.

In early life and pervading one’s thinking, pleasure is the number one motivation and one realizes that a plan is the most important requirement for success. One is attracted to successful planning, and one realizes that even with flawless knowledge, success is not guaranteed. One gets needs met by aspiring to excellence and one seeks positive attention for one’s efforts. In mid-life and when leading a life balancing the material and spiritual, one likes to follow a master and one likes to have a student who can be instructed. As one matures through obstacles, delays, and struggles; there are individuals one does not get along with, and one needs to examine one’s own part in any conflict to learn personal characteristics that should be adjusted. As one ages and becomes aware of inconsistencies between opinions and experiences; one benefits from novel experience, and one should be encouraged to trust personal values over those of others especially if they demonstrate possessiveness toward oneself. In old age and as one retires to contemplate, pray, and meditate during the years 42-48, 78-90, and all one’s life for those born March 4th; one reflects on love experiences and one’s general life fortune.

The 8♣️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that the 6♠️has learned to succeed in efforts with intelligence and daring. However, one tends to use cleverness to avoid needed change by implementing adjustments to acute conditions rather than addressing chronic conditions.

The J♦️ Waking Mirror indicates that the 6♠️ hopes to satisfy desires easily, and one can be easily disappointed when plans initially fail. One is able to generate creative solutions to any obstacle. An orientation of solution rather than problems leads one to a charmed and rewarding life.

The 10❤️ Sleeping Mirror indicates that the 6♠️ loves to cooperate with loved ones to accomplish goals. The level of satisfaction one feels when achieving success together with others a single time is sufficient positive energy to awaken one to a life of happiness.

Progress calls for an open mind and willingness to change as repeated attempts that result in failure do not create and sustain happiness.