
Today on the Five of Diamonds in Pisces, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Neptune card in the Waking Spread which is the Jack of Diamonds. This reading is primarily about the 5♦️ which is the Birth Card of the following dates: 1/22, 2/20, 3/18, 4/16, 5/14, 6/12, 7/10, 8/8, 9/6, 10/4, and 11/2.

The 5♦️ changes values and possessions as adjustments to one’s condition. When Unconscious, one aggressively gives up current gains without fear of lost progress because one thinks that surgical removal of an unhealthy value is needed. When Awakened, one learns to think, speak, write, and associate ideas fluidly without interfering in current efforts and plans; one’s changes become logical derivatives of current efforts.

In early life and pervading one’s thinking, discipline and self-mastery are required to gain new value and then one has value one can offer to others. One is attracted to intelligence and foresight. One gets needs met by partnering with a compatible friend who may help share expenses or may cost even more. In mid-life and when leading a life balancing the material and spiritual, one becomes a model of balanced spiritual living as well as a vessel of mystery and miracle. As one matures through obstacles, delays, and struggles; one nonetheless develops conversation that secures and facilitates pleasure and nurturing. As one ages and becomes aware of inconsistencies between opinions and experiences, one learns to plan for the unexpected and take advantage when opportunities arise. In old age and as one retires to contemplate, pray, and meditate during the years 42-48, 78-90, and all one’s life for those born March 18th; one enjoys bountiful living with easy pleasures and one can also lead a meaningful existence.

The 6♣️ Dreaming and Waking Mirrors indicate that the 5♦️ does best pursuing solid habits of mind and communication rather than leaping to new ideas all the time. One tends to trade one thing of value for another so often that one loses touch with one’s actual values. Maintaining steady plans and speaking in an an even balanced tone supports steady values. One can then make slight changes to values more regularly without upturning one’s life.

The 10♣️ Sleeping Mirror indicates that the 5♦️knows how to organize thoughts to facilitate successful values. One attracts useful ideas from others who want to know one’s own thinking. One is generous with ideas. All that one gives comes back with more and better information that one then effectively uses to make changes to one’s values.

Change in value is the natural course of life which requires no unhappiness so long as one accepts that prosperity is a shared experience.