
Today on the Queen of Diamonds in Gemini, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Mercury card in the Waking Spread which is the Five of Hearts. This reading is primarily about the Q♦️ which is the Birth Card of the following dates: 1/15, 2/13, 3/11, 4/9, 5/7, 6/5, 7/3, and 8/1.

The Q♦️ masters and nurtures values in oneself and others. When Unconscious, one is attached to the feelings of others and one may be enmeshed with internalized childhood issues that lead one to hesitate in one’s values including financial decisions. When Awakened, one is ready to make changes of values that include a whole new way of life in personal values and finances.

In early life and pervading one’s thinking during the years from birth to age 12 and all one’s life for those born June 5th; one’s feelings are variable as one does not feel secure in one’s values, but one is intent on making progress in one’s goals. One is attracted in adolescence and young adulthood by direct communication and warm relationships, but there is a tendency to worry. One gets needs met, one generates much energy, and one may have conflict when pursuing avenues that irritate others; one may even irritate oneself. In mid-life and when leading a life balancing the material and spiritual; one lets go of disappointment, and one demonstrates free and graceful living. As one matures through obstacles, delays, and struggles; keeping a balanced frame of mind is essential for establishing a happy and harmonious home life. As one ages and becomes aware of inconsistencies between opinions and experiences; values that no longer make sense are traded for different values; one is willing to work painstakingly for progress but one may feel abused. In old age and as one retires to contemplate, pray, and meditate; one strives for self-mastery and for a sense of accomplishment.

The 7♣️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that the Q♦️needs to keep a balanced mentality. One tends to think one will achieve success just by accumulating wealth and power, when in fact one aspires to be of service through devotion to a higher cause.

The 5♣️ Waking Mirror indicates that the Q♦️changes one’s mind under pressure much of the time. Values impact feelings, and feelings impact thoughts which influence one’s communication. One may argue with others. Stress forces one to seek serenity as a way of life. As one practices serenity, gradually one loses anxieties, and relationships strengthen.

The 8♦️Sleeping Mirror indicates that the Q♦️will be in a position or at least the mindset of power and prestige once one is resdy to demonstrate one’s leadership. One cannot believe that one is beneath others and also lead them. One raises one’s esteem to a high level in anticipation of leading others.

Leading others is a full time job that requires that one throw off any past influence of depression that detracts from personal progress in values.