Today on the J♣️ in Aries, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Mars card in the Waking Spread which is the 2♣️. This reading is primarily about the J♣️ which is the Birth Card of the following dates: 1/29, 2/27, 3/25, 4/23, 5/21, 6/19, 7/17, 8/15, 9/13, 10/11, 11/9, and 12/7.

The J♣️ youthfully, creatively, heroically, and sometimes recklessly plans and communicates. One struggles to discover and develop values including wealth. One does well to devote self to the feelings of others in family, business, and community.

The 5♣️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that one wants to make sudden changes to plans and agreements. Taking others feelings into consideration is imperative as they may be hurt by sudden changes. Find out the impact on associates, and allow their feelings to influence decisions.

The 9♠️ Waking Mirror indicates that one makes deep changes to lifestyle and relationships on a regular basis. There is always something that needs to reviewed and revised. Let others’ reactions show the way. Making needed changes is for the best.

The 2♠️ Sleeping Mirror indicates that one is learning to partner with others on fundamental levels for success. Any sense of struggle to succeed in business and career is resolved through solid relationships.

The J♣️/2♣️ is a great and interesting communicator when the audience is kept essential. The message has to be conveyed, understood, and embraced in order to succeed in goals.

Notable Events 3/25 J♣️/2♣️:
Slave Trade Act abolishes slavery in British Empire(1807)
Percy Bysshe Shelley is expelled from Oxford for writing The Necessity of Atheism (1811)
Scottsboro Boys are arrested in Alabama and falsely charged with rape (1931)
First successful tornado prediction in Oklahoma (1948)
Howard Cosell (Journalist, born 1918)
Usha Mehta (Indian Freedom Fighter, Gandhian; born 1920)
Flannery O’Connor (Novelist, born 1925)
Gene Shalit (film critic, born 1926)
Hans Steinbrenner (Sculptor, born 1928)
Gloria Steinem (feminist-activist, born 1934)
Aretha Franklin (Singer-Songwriter, born 1942)
Elton John (Singer-songwriter, born 1947)