
Today on the J♣️ in Leo, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Sun card in the Waking Spread which is J♣️. This reading is about the J♣️ Birth Card of 1/29, 2/27, 3/25, 4/23, 5/21, 6/19, 7/17, 8/15, 9/13, 10/11, 11/9, and 12/7.

The J♣️ youthfully, creatively, courageously, and often recklessly imagines, plans, communicates, negotiates, and contracts agreements.

The 5♣️ Dreaming Mirror needs to fully feel personally and in relation to others with the willingness to change negotiations and agreements in the process of feeling.

The 9♠️ Waking Mirror refines work, health, and spiritual activities to reflect real needs without attempting to creatively avoid real solutions with escapism.

The 2♠️ Sleeping Mirror learns to creatively seize opportunities to secure desires and develop values within relationships of all kinds in which partners co-create and enjoy activities together.

Leo J♣️ is creative and fun and relationships can also be fun though incredibly intense. It is most useful and rewarding to run a business.