
Today on the J♥️ in Virgo, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Mercury card in the Waking Spread which is 9♣️. This reading is about the J♥️ Birth Card of 7/30, 8/28, 9/26, 10/24, 11/22, and 12/20.

The J♥️ youthfully, creatively, heroically, and often recklessly develops feelings and relationships.

The 10♣️ Dreaming Mirror needs to attract and introduce knowledge, negotiations, and agreements to create adventurous feelings and relationships.

The 4♠️ Waking Mirror builds a firm foundation of life that enables one to enact many altruistic desires one yearns to create.

The 4♥️ Sleeping Mirror learns to use creativity and courage to establish firm feelings and relationships based on knowledge of self and others.

Virgo J♥️ identifies with carrying the messages one has learned through compassion for others and for oneself thus clarifying for oneself the grounded lifestyle one appreciates.