
Today on the 10♥️ in Virgo, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Mercury card in the Waking Spread which is 10♦️. This reading is about the 10♥️ Birth Card of 7/31, 8/29, 9/27, 10/25, 11/23, and 12/21.

The 10♥️ completely feels in oneself and within relationships.

The 3♣️ Dreaming Mirror needs to go through complete holistic changes that impact the willingness to speak forthrightly rather than conceal information.

The 4♣️ Waking Mirror organizes ideals, plans, and agreements that facilitate emotional well-being and fulfilling relationships as boundaries are discovered, acknowledged, and respected.

The 6♠️ Sleeping Mirror learns to employ youthful, creative, and heroic planning and negotiating that produces new opportunities for growth and development.

Virgo 10♥️ becomes immensely successful, satisfied, and happy with the ability to work for every desire while maintaining the amazing ability to take prolonged breaks for uninterrupted pleasure and nurture.