
The 2♦️ is born 1/25, 2/23, 3/21, 4/19, 5/17, 6/15, 7/13, 8/11, 9/9, 10/7, 11/5, and 12/3. The 2♦️ co-creates and shares material and more subtle values by comparing needs with wants. One combines and integrates related cards as follows to fulfill one’s life.

The 7♠️ Dreaming Mirror needs to identify desires and values worth defending and securing, and then it is essential to follow ethical principles and practices to achieve goals.

The 3♣️ Waking Mirror selects ideals and plans, one negotiates and makes agreements to co-create desires and share values.

The 3♣️ Sleeping Mirror learns to make slight changes to ideals, plans, and agreements while developing ideals and goals.

Taurus 2♦️/8♣️ attracts relationships of dialogue that contribute to focused planning for success and enjoyment.