
Today on the 3♦️ in Cancer, we find the Planetary Ruling Card by counting to the Moon card in the Waking Spread which is the 5♣️. This reading is primarily about the 3♦️ which is the Birth Card of the following dates: 1/24, 2/22, 3/20, 4/18, 5/16, 6/14, 7/12, 8/10, 9/8, 10/6, 11/4, and 12/2.

The 3♦️ develops values while being mindful of the structure of existing relationships that may be impacted as values evolve and mature.

The 5♥️ Dreaming Mirror indicates that you think it’s best to just escape relationships that no longer affirm your emotional development and you goals in life as you evolve and others demonstrate distance and contrast from your desires. In fact, your relationships are part of the process of your growth and development; and where possible you are encouraged to maintain relationships as you evolve. Your relationships are part of your life solutions as you evolve.

The Q♠️ Waking Mirror indicates that you are dedicated and disciplined in your efforts to master specific areas of development. It takes sincere discipline to grow and develop value into more crystalline form. It also takes certain amounts of discomfort and delayed gratification. You are quite willing to sacrifice for the future.

As Double Sleeping Mars, you are learning that you are able to maintain and grow relationships even when goals are different and non-supportive. Others can be shown the light of your existence in a constructive way and often others make accommodations that enable the relationships to become part of the evolution of your life rather than obstacles.

You have plans and you are excited about them. You insist on freedom which sometimes means breaking agreements and changing plans. Others may see you as a tough customer, because you insist on your way.

Notable  Events 7/12 3♦️/5♣️:

Ranjit Singh conquers Lahore and becomes Maharaja of the Punjab (Sikh Empire) (1799)

The 2006 Lebanon War begins (2006)

Henry David Thoreau, American essayist, poet, and philosopher (born 1817)

George Eastman, American businessman, founded Eastman Kodak (born 1854)

Louis B. Mayer, Russian-born American film producer, co-founded Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (born 1884)

Amedeo Modigliani, Italian painter and sculptor (born 1884)

Buckminster Fuller, American architect and engineer, designed the Montreal Biosphère (born 1895)

Oscar Hammerstein II, American director, producer, and songwriter (born 1895)

Pablo Neruda, Chilean poet and diplomat, Nobel Prize laureate (born 1904)

Milton Berle, American comedian and actor (born 1908)

Van Cliburn, American pianist and composer (born 1934)

Bill Cosby, American actor, comedian, producer, and screenwriter (born 1937)

Richard Simmons, American fitness trainer and actor (born 1948)