
The 3♠️ is born 1/11, 2/9, 3/7, 4/5, 5/3, and 6/1. The 3♠️ chooses and develops activities in the areas of work, health, sex, and spirituality. One combines and integrates related cards as follows to fulfill one’s life.

The 9♠️ Dreaming Mirror needs to discover and claim treasure hidden in plain sight that requires giving up other possessions and activities that are incompatible with the new good.

The 8♠️ Waking Mirror reserves and concentrates creative expressions and efforts so that creativity is lasting rather than fleeting.

The Q♥️ Sleeping Mirror learns to persist securing values and desires that become a source of nurturing.

Aquarius 3♠️/9♦️ is shocked by unexpected losses with investments that propel one to build mental clarity that protects one from mistakes.